My executive team members are responsible for developing and maintaining the internal control framework in their own functional areas. Oversight and challenge to the system is provided by the Board and also by the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee, who ensure plans are in place to address any weaknesses. Two of our strategic outcomes have been achieved and good progress is being made with the safe management of nuclear inventory and reduction of its risks.
- A radical policy change was required, to solve the UK’s short-term capacity gap and the longer-term issues facing the industry.
- This enables the NDA to attract, reward and incentivise executives with the right skills and expertise to successfully deliver our important goals.
- These startups and companies are taking a variety of approaches to innovating the Accounting industry, but are all exceptional companies well worth a follow.
- His subsequent career has included strategic roles in R&D and technology, project delivery, commercial and finance both in the UK and the US.
- We engage with stakeholders at the local level through our Site Stakeholder Groups and at the national level through our National Stakeholder Summit.
The Committee routinely seeks independent advice on remuneration using Korn Ferry and, in reaching its conclusions, assesses both public and private sector data. This helps to set a level of reward that ensures we can confidently attract and retain the skills needed to deliver our mission. His subsequent career has included strategic roles in research and development, technology, project delivery, commercial and finance both in the UK and the US. Michelle is an experienced business manager with a career spanning 20 years in the nuclear industry, holding senior positions within BNFL, Springfields Fuels Ltd and Toshiba Westinghouse.
Meet our leadership team
Those who were between 10 years and 13 years and five months from their normal pension age on 1 April 2012 will switch into alpha between 1 June 2015 and 1 February 2022. We look to minimise the use of these arrangements and include contractual clauses in appointment documentation to enable us to receive assurance that the individual or their employer is managing their tax affairs appropriately. Our right to request assurance over tax obligations is made explicit to all off-payroll workers. We continue to work closely with Ernst and Young, our chosen partners for IR35 auditing and supporting our IR35 checks with assured compliance. We have fewer women in senior positions and fewer men in more junior positions across our businesses. There are also more women occupying ‘support roles’ at the lower end of salary scales and under-representation of women in shift roles, which attract higher pay through shift premiums.
These site licence companies are responsible for the safe operations and decommissioning of historic nuclear activities, with extensive support from the supply chain. The year ahead will be busy as we continue our work, prepare for a government spending review and embed new ways of working across our businesses, including Magnox which will become an NDA subsidiary from September 2019. I’m personally motivated by the opportunity the NDA group has to make a real difference, as it delivers one of the most important and challenging environmental restorations in the world. I am always inspired by the dedication and passion of our people to make a difference. Their skills are vital to our performance and, along with the expertise of our supply chain, enable us to share our learning internationally.
Board Committees
These nuclear materials are by-products from different phases of the fuel cycle, either manufacturing or reprocessing. All nuclear materials must be managed safely and securely; either converted into new fuel or immobilised and stored until a permanent UK disposal facility is available. One of the reprocessing plants has already shut and the Magnox reprocessing plant is due to complete its mission in 2020. As well as dismantling facilities, cleaning up sites and helping to secure a more sustainable future for the communities surrounding our sites, we have to fulfill the responsibilities placed upon us by the Nuclear Sector Deal. This includes growing a highly skilled workforce for the future, seeking ways to reduce the cost of decommissioning, and addressing the issue of gender balance.
However, the NDA has a duty of care over the operation of its whole group and in particular must ensure that the businesses discharge their responsibilities properly. During the 2018 review, the Board was also supported by an external facilitator who has experience in reviewing a wide range of company boards. We have completed the NDA group ‘No Deal’ actions to ensure that we are prepared for a ‘No Deal’ scenario.
Total expenditure profile (£m, undiscounted)
From our network of depots throughout the UK we supply all major market brands as well as our own brands. Our customer base ranges from small corner shops to the larger cash and carry outlets, through to high street names such as Holland & Barrett and Sainsburys. The company continues to grow year on year, taking on new business and is looking towards new ventures and markets.
Customer satisfaction is the major indicator of the excellent quality of the company. C&M Borg takes regular measurements to deliver to the consumers the pleasure of that irrepressible coffee sensation. FD4Cast is a forecasting construction bookkeeping and budgeting system that specializes in delivering financial modeling and customized MS Office solutions. Flower & Company offers accountancy and taxation services to start ups, large companies and individuals.
Management Accountant -Technology & eCommerce – Contract – £400p/d – UK, Remote
Paul was part of the executive team that established Rolls-Royce’s nuclear sector, which included both the civil nuclear and submarines businesses. Paul was also the customer lead for a number of Rolls-Royce’s key commercial relationships. The Board’s Remuneration committee determines executive director remuneration and contractual arrangements, having regard to the need for defensibility in public sector pay under advice and guidance fromHM Treasury and BEIS. We set clear expectations across all of our businesses for the highest performance in environment, health, safety and security that reflects both international standards and policies, and relevant good practice from UK industry. We take our responsibilities seriously and monitor performance, holding the businesses to account.
- When I visited Japan recently as chair of our jointly owned shipping business, PNTL, I was pleased to note the esteem in which UK capability is held overseas, particularly with respect to the ongoing clean-up of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
- Highly skilled teams continue to manually strip and dismantle redundant fuel examination cells.
- Reprocessing extracts materials that could potentially be re-used and also generates highly radioactive wastes.
- Michelle is an experienced business manager with a career spanning 20 years in the nuclear industry, holding senior positions within BNFL, Springfields Fuels Ltd and Toshiba Westinghouse.
- This has included collective identification of joint risks and sharing on emerging / evolving risks.
- Accounting is responsible for providing a range of services to the people of City of London, including education, social care, housing, planning and economic development.